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Various Pictures from a Post-Hurricane Weekend

Fallen Tree by a ChurchThis is a church that’s two blocks from our house. This was the worst bit of damage we saw. Though no actual power lines were brought down, it is sad to see so large and old a tree killed by the storm. We left home not long after the storm passed to head to my sister’s in New York. We had no power and the water main was cutting in and out so our water quality was compromised, when we had water. Since we have no way to boil water, it was easier to just get out of dodge a day early. We return tomorrow to throw all of our food away that’s in the fridge and hope that we have water and power again.

One tower of the George Washington Bridge (the one above the little red lighthouse) on our way to New York. The late afternoon light was just wonderful though it really comes through in the next picture…

The full span of the George Washington Bridge looking west towards New Jersey.

We went for a drive through Scarsdale in search of my past. This is the first house I lived in, It was build in 1964 and my parents were the first to own it. There is a garden on the left side of the house (just out of the frame, though I did get a nice picture of it for my own memories) which hasn’t changed at all since my father built it some 37 (or so) years ago. What strikes me so much is how much smaller the streets look, how much smaller the house looks. I moved out of this house when I was 7 or so and moved into a house right behind it, on the street up the hill…

This is the second house I lived in until I was about 10. The house was gray with a yellow door and there was a deck on back, now gone. There was a large patch of ivy and a tree in front as well. I have to say, my memory of the house is much nicer than this rather plain building. The street in front of the house is the intersection of two streets and the local wiffleball field. Across the street was Carol’s house (and her yard was the site of the hedgerow over which shooting the ball meant a homerun). Carol was my fiancee. We got engaged somewhere during the 1st through 3rd grade timeframe. I looked Carol up sometime after college and we exchanged a single letter back and forth. And then we fell out of touch again. Perhaps forever. Ah well… I’m married now. It would never work out.

Finally, back at my sister’s house, Jack got cozy with his cousins on the couch to watch Shrek.

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