More Podcasting Technical Setup Comments

In doing some further research, I found Dave Slusher’s Recipe for Podcasting which matches pretty closely what I have done. I should also point out that Hugo Schotman (who references Dave’s entry) is also a pioneer of figuring this stuff out.

As a number of people have pointed out, none of this would be possible without the free software from Rogue Amoeba (and, in my case, their commercial Audio Hijack Pro which I now swear by) nor the incredibly useful SoundFlower and SoundFlowerBed.

I hope the folks at Rogue Amoeba are paying attention (I suspect they are). The market is 100% ripe for a new application which merges the functionality of all of these tools together into a master Podcasting recording and sequencing application. Imagine being able to pull all of the media elements, the OPML show notes information, and recording/mixing capabilities into a single application?

It was a lot of work and a lot of googling to cobble the system I have together. If it weren’t for the sites referenced above and in the previous post on this and the brief glimpses Adam Curry provides on his own setup in the Daily Source Code, I would still be casting about for how this is all done. If somebody makes the technical setup to Podcasting easy, the benefits would be amazing.

I’m just sayin’…

Top Ten Children’s Christmas Shows (According to TiVo)

On a whim, I asked TiVo for a list of Children’s shows with sub-category “Holiday.” The results were… interesting…

10. Iron Chef: Holiday Strawberry Battle

9. Harambee! (According to the description: ‘A stray bullet interrupts the Barnes family’s Christmas dinner and Kwanzaa observances.’ You can’t make this stuff up.)

8. Davey and Goliath’s Snowboard Christmas (what’s amazing about this is that it is listed as being from 2004…)

7. Crippled Lamb (‘Joshua cannot play with the other lambs because he has a crippled leg.’ There are no words. They should have sent a poet.)

6. 12 Days of Cookies (Probably followed by the 12 Days of Jenny Craig)

5. Very Ermey Christmas (I have no idea who or what an Ermey is. It just sounds unsavory.)

4. ‘Tis the Season to be Smurfy

3. Spunky’s First Christmas (Speaking on unsavory…)

2. Powerpuff Girls: ‘Twas the Fight Before Christmas

1. The Osbourne Family Christmas (I shit you not, this was listed under Children’s Holiday shows on my TiVo)