New Home! New URL! Changes Galore!

This blog has moved! I’ll put a redirect here eventually but for now, head over to and check it out! The new blog has comments too (for now, anyway) and a temporary new look (until I design a new one). If you visit this site in a newsreader, the feed URL will have changed as well. Surf on over and use the Subscribe link in the sidebar.

I still love this design but I’m also sick of it. So, it’s either being retired or at least put away for awhile.

See you at the new domain!

Crowded House, Fish & Chips, Foxwoods, and Cigarettes

Crowded House released their first CD in nearly a decade a few weeks back and it has been in heavy rotation at our house since. I thought it would be fun to take Ann to see them in concert and found out last week that they were playing at Foxwoods in just a week’s time. That sealed it. I got on the phone, got tickets and made reservations to stay overnight in the Great Cedars hotel (I figured we wouldn’t want to drive back so late after the concert was over).

We had a complete blast. Crowded House is absolutely wonderful live and lead singer Neil Finn is quite funny as well. Somehow he got on the subject of bassist Nick Seymour being hungry and needing fish and chips as well as how all of the band could use mojitos or, at the very least, tequila. Shortly after, tequila shots and limes were delivered to the front of the stage and at least Neil and Nick partook. A few songs later, a nicely dressed room service cart with fish and chips was rolled out on stage and Nick ate the fish and had a few chips. Neil then took the plate, had a few himself and then began walking along the front of the stage passing out chips to whoever wanted them.

I managed this picture with my iPhone during the concert:


All in all, the concert was wonderful and it ended far too soon. And while they played a nice mix of old and new favorites (and a few songs I never remembered having heard before), they didn’t play Into Temptation, my all time favorite song. Ah well, as Ann pointed out, they could have played for four hours and have left us not having heard all of our favorites.

It was also our first visit to Foxwoods itself. That was a trip. We ended up not bothering to play any games in any of the casinos. It was just too smoky. Cigarettes were everywhere and smoke was everywere. It got pretty gross. But this morning we went to the Grand Spa and Ann got a massage while I “read” (listened to an audio book) and then took a dip in the whirlpool and swimming pool. I even sat in the steam room for a bit. By the end I didn’t want to leave the spa and have become addicted to the whole idea of the place. I haven’t been that relaxed in I don’t know how long.

Alas, we had to head home again and I am dog-tired now. But it was a wonderful way to start the weekend.

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