Diane Duane’s Weblog

Diane Duane has a weblog: Out of Ambit.

I’ve read most (maybe all) of her Star Trek novels back when I was reading them. My sister and I kept a list and we’d buy some and send them to each other when done. I have most of them in a box downstairs. In fact, I have a pre-release copy of The Wounded Sky which has a red cover (instead of the painted cover they usually have) and corrections annotated inside. For the life of me, I have no idea where/how I got it. I suspect it was my sister who has friends in publishing. Or did. Or something.

Anyway, I should read more of her works. Like I said, I did enjoy her Trek novels so it’s a safe bet I’ll like the non-Trek stuff too.

Diane Duane’s Weblog

Diane Duane has a weblog: Out of Ambit.

I’ve read most (maybe all) of her Star Trek novels back when I was reading them. My sister and I kept a list and we’d buy some and send them to each other when done. I have most of them in a box downstairs. In fact, I have a pre-release copy of The Wounded Sky which has a red cover (instead of the painted cover they usually have) and corrections annotated inside. For the life of me, I have no idea where/how I got it. I suspect it was my sister who has friends in publishing. Or did. Or something.

Anyway, I should read more of her works. Like I said, I did enjoy her Trek novels so it’s a safe bet I’ll like the non-Trek stuff too.