Rhode Island to use RSS

RI Secretary of State announces RSSonate:

“RSSonate (pronounced ‘resonate’) was developed by the Secretary of State’s office to provide easy access to constantly updated data, which users can then use to create customized information. For example, users will have constant, real-time access to databases listing such information as who is lobbying at the State House and which businesses have incorporated in the state. At the same time, users will have the power to generate information by combining data from separate databases. For example, users would be able to create a data feed letting them know if there are any lobbyists who incorporated a new business.”

Play AAC music on your TiVo

Mac Geekery – Play AAC music on your TiVo Hot damn! It worked!

I downloaded a lame pkg and installed it and it did not work. TiVo saw the music but didn’t play AAC files, just MP3. But it at least saw them. So, I checked and, sure enough, I had a newer version in /sw/bin/ courtesty of fink. So, I symlinked /usr/bin/lame to that one and then it worked just fine.

It won’t play anything purchased at the iTunes Music Store thanks to the DRM. Not sure how much I want to worry about that right now. At the very least, we can finally finish ripping all of the CDs in AAC and put them away in the garage in boxes and get back that wall where they are now.