And so it begins…

More Bush Administration fun!

* U.S. Insiders Say Iraq Intel Deliberately Skewed
* “Straw, Powell had serious doubts over their Iraqi weapons claims”:,2763,967548,00.html
* Powell was under pressure to use shaky intelligence on Iraq: report
* “WMD just a convenient excuse for war, admits Wolfowitz”:
* “What a Tangled Web We Weave . . . “:

[Thanks to “”: ]

Why is Bush’s Approval Rating High?

It’s the same question I’ve asked before: why do intelligent people still buy into this?

* “, Dave Koehler”: Koehler asks a simple question: with everything that is really going on, why is Bush’s approval rating still so high? (Found via “”: which was found courtesy of Ed Johnson).
* “Mercury News, Iraq Repercussions”: Senior advisors are worried that instead of the war being a slam-dunk for Bush’s reelection, it is becoming a huge mess.
* “Paul Krugman, Stating the Obvious”: Krugman believes that the Bush Administration is well aware of the fiscal disaster the tax cut is and is doing it on purpose so they will be able to cut social programs they otherwise can’t touch.