Getting Back in Touch/Looking for Work

There is one upside to looking for a new job, you get to speak to a lot of friends and colleagues you haven’t spoken to for some time. I try to stay in touch with people and there’s quite a few I do manage to speak to regularly (and one I keep finding jobs for and owes me more than a few *cough* *cough*) but there are those few that I have not been in touch with for some time. So, today I sent out an email to a large number of people looking for ideas/leads/encouragement/whatever and I’m getting all these great emails back from people and getting caught up on their lives. So, silver lining.

The flipside, of course, is that I am, in fact, looking for new work. I’ve had a wonderful 3 years leading the development team at Ozmott but by April 1, I need a new job. I’ve learned a great deal these past few years that I can bring to my new employers and am looking forward to learning new things there as well. So, there it is. Resume available on request, just drop me an email at Andy at the domain of this website (really not that hard an email to figure out…)

Oh, and if you did not get an email from me (and you think you should have) then I humbly apologize and invite you to chastise me in an email (where I will blame an out of date email address for the problem.)



I don’t much care for uncertainty. I like consistency. I like the determined, the knowable, the provable, the demonstrable. I like stable. Maybe that’s why I like being a manager (project or otherwise): because the discipline is all about making things as certain as possible. It’s taking the uncertainty out of processes which, otherwise, are uncertain by their very nature. 

(OK, maybe I’m overstating this just a little, allow me a little literary license, OK?)

Things are uncertain in virtually every aspect of my life right now. My current job contract is ending and everyone around me is uncertain and stressed. I have a possible new job provided the right papers are signed by the right people (likely to happen but still uncertain and the timing is also uncertain which adds to the fun). Our cub scout pack is in a state of flux after much needed changes in the leadership of the pack were made and we recover from the political fallout from those changes. Our own finances are uncertain given the state of the economy and the rising cost of virtually everything. The election is uncertain and, I believe, hugely important. I could go on, but you get the point. 

I’m keeping my head up through all of this. I said I don’t like uncertainty, but I’m certainly capable of dealing with it. I do what I can to keep things sane and we’re committed to keeping all that stresses us from impacting how we treat Kiddo or each other. I do feel that I am on the cusp of changes though. I am hoping that between the election next week and the job stuff that within days a lot of variables will become defined and I can relax a bit more.

But I’m not sure… [laugh track].