NaNoWriMo 2011

Five years. Wow. Five years in a row, two as a Municipal Liaison (though I was so busy this November I hardly did anything) and five completed novels. People keep asking me if I will post them. The answer is an unqualified no. What I write is not even first draft. It’s rough sketch at best. As such, it’s also highly embarrassing. I don’t want to share that stuff with people. This year, I plan on focusing my efforts and either pulling one of the five into better shape or doing something new but not in sketch mode but actual author mode. I promise select friends will be asked to proof that and give me constructive feedback and, later, everyone else will get a shot at reading it. Whatever it ends up being.

I spent this year doing a lot of self-analysis and figuring out where I was weak as a writer and what I needed to work on. I now have a list of areas I want to target and am going to be looking at resources to help me (classes, books, whatever). I want to make 2012 the year I get my act together, hone my ability as a writer, and go from playing around with words to working with them instead. In short, me want write good.

But for the moment, I’ll just bask in the glow of five straight years as a NaNo winner. I’ll get to work tomorrow.

NaNoWriMo 2010 Complete!

NaNoWriMo 2010 Winner!

I completely forgot to post about this the other day (that’s how busy I’ve been) — I won NaNoWriMo for the fourth straight year. 50,000 words in 30 days (28 in my case) is insane! Doing it four times is doubly insane! The fact that I was also a Municipal Liaison (that is, a volunteer helping to coordinate a geographc area, in this case, I was the Co-ML for Rhode Island along my friend Rob who did most of the heavy lifting anyway) made it even more insane than the level of insanity we reached in the previous sentence, which, it must be pointed out, was a far better constructed sentence than this one.