NaNoWriMo Complete: Third Year in a Row

NaNoWriMo 30 Days 50000 Words Winner! I have just completed my third NaNoWriMo novel in three years. Clocking in at 50,172 words, the fantasty novel that needs a better title than what I have now is done. One of the greatest revelations about NaNoWriMo… I’ve always wanted to write but never had any ideas I liked. Now my head (and Evernote) is filled with them. A few times a week I bark out an idea or two as an audio note on my iPhone into Evernote where they get typed up and categorized and they sit for when I can realize them. But this year I went a different direction. I used to play a lot of Dungeons and Dragons in Junior High through college and a bit afterwards. I played most recently about two years ago and then not again since.

My son is almost old enough to play and I’ve also wanted to get a gaming group together for a once-a-month lose-yourself-for-a-day game. And I got a crazy idea for a campaign I could run while walking Jack to school one day and explaining D&D to him. Out came the iPhone and I recorded the idea and now, 50K words later, I have a rough plot of the story I want to tell. It’s a campaign like nothing I’ve ever seen played before taking traditional fantasy story elements and twisting them a bit. Whether it makes a good novel I do not know. I always think that what I have written us utter crap when I finish it. I only recently went back and looked at last year’s novel and was surprised at how much I liked it. But while I hope to revisit last year’s novel (certainly not 2007’s!) and try to fix it into something I might consider doing something with, this year’s novel is just me fleshing out my campaign idea.

Now in December I will take what I have written, fix the story to make for a better gaming experience (add places for more random encounters, more chances for the players to figure out what is going on, open it up so it can handle them making choices different from those my characters made in the story I wrote) and draw the maps, roll up the big bads, and create the character sheets. “What?!” I hear you say. “Roll characters for your players? That’s blasphemy!” Ah, this is true. But the idea of this story is that our five heroes wake up on the side of a mountain with no idea who they are, no memories whatsoever. Part of the story is their journey of discovery into who they are (and the very nature of what makes an identity in the first place). As such, I create the characters and dole bits of information out to them as they discover their abilities as they go. I hope the gaming group will be willing to let me take them on this ride and that my idea actually works. It could be an epic fail. Or it could be a lot of fun. If nothing else, I really like the story I wrote and even though it was never intended to become an actual novel, it could easily be cleaned up and made into one. Oh, see? I’m already starting to move past that, “I hate this!” stage of my writing. That’s good. Thanks, you helped there by asking all those questions.

Anyway, I’m done and for a few days I will not think about this again as I get back to my real life and do something I have not had time to do in 29 days: pick up a book and read.

Posted via email from Webcrumbs

Posterous: New Toy du Jour

I am trying out posterous (my site: and it’s post-everywhere feature. If this works, it should go to twitter, facebook, livejournal, flickr, and my blog. On the plus side, it makes it much simpler for me to post stuff to all of the usual sites all at once. I have friends who only follow me on twitter or facebook but not my blog or flickr, or other combinations . With a tool like this, I can reach everyone at once. I think this will double or triple post in facebook thanks to friendfeed being in the mix there so I may reduce by one or two the other secondary services I use. On the down side, my images are stored on posterous’ site which makes my ultimate blog portability less. If I change things around, I’ll have the text in my WordPress database but not the images which will make my blog break if I ever discontinue posterous down the road. So, there’s that to worry about. But, still, for now it’s a cool thing to try out. If you do follow me, where do you follow me? I’m curious where you come from. I should pick one service to be mission control, the “if you want to stalk Andy, do it here” type site but each has its own special usage. Twitter is great for small chatter which I would never bother blogging about and blogs are good for longer, more thought out pieces. LJ is really only useful insofar as I can post private stuff there only friends can read. Otherwise, it is redundant and pointless. Flickr is for photos only and facebook is… well, facebook is its own thing.
Anyway, let me know where you follow me. I will influence what services I use moving forward. Happy Holidays!


Posted via email from Andy’s posterous