Backbreaking Work…


In our backyard is a Rose of Sharon tree with lovely white flowers. Underneath it is a blue Hydrangea, a ugly statue (inherited from the previous owner and never removed by us as we had other things to deal with), and a viney plant which was slowly choking the tree to death and taking over that section of the yard. After two years of ignoring it, we finally decided to get in there and take care of the mess. We spent about a week digging out the viney plant, removing it from the tree, and digging up clods of grass, shaking the dirt out of them and throwing them away in yard waste bags (though I used a few to fill in some divits in our yard). The work was back breakingly hard. Nearly a week after finishing, my back is still killing me. But it’s done now and looks amazing. Ann picked out and planted all of the perennials.

Candidate Positions

Flickr Photo Download_ Election _08 Chart of Where the Candidates Stand

This is a great chart showing all of the candidates’ positions on various issues. Makes me realize how many of them are scary. And how few I find match my own positions. Found via (which also includes some other interesting links and commentary on this). I have to admit, I’ve taken a rather large break in thinking about what’s happening in the world beyond casual observation. Part of it has been a strong sense of depression at how bad things have gotten. Some of it is also a sense of futility. In hindsight, that’s a terrible attitude to have. We elect our government. We have a responsibility to stand up for what we believe in and elect those people who feel the same way. To sit back and say that nothing I can do matters is the worst thing I can do. So, it’s time to start paying attention again and getting involved. We have a year until the election. It’s time to get started.