Robin Williams

Reality+What+A+ConceptWhere do I begin? How do I attempt to capture (let alone encompass) what I am feeling right now? I’m currently running sound for Swamp Meadow’s Children’s Theatre production of Annie Jr. During the big song and dance number, NYC, someone shouts “Keep it down out there” (or something to that effect) and all I can think of every time I hear it is Robin Williams from, Reality, What a Concept, and his bit:

And Now, a New York Echo:


“Shut the fuck up!”

We were just about to start the penultimate run through (the show  opens Wednesday) when my wife texted me the news.  My heart sank. I sat there staring at the mixing board trying to form thoughts in my head. All I could think was, “No. No. No. NO! Do NOT let this be true!”

I was about 9 when Mork first showed up in an episode of Happy Days. I remember loving that episode and the character and was overjoyed when I heard they were spinning him out into his own show. I watched every episode of Mork and Mindy and loved every minute of it. When I was in fourth grade, probably a year or two into Mork and Mindy’s run on TV, I did my first play. It was because of Robin. He showed me that I could take this crazy energy I had, this need to entertain my mother’s and sisters’ friends, my friends, my teachers (ok, maybe more drive my teachers crazy) and I could get onto a stage and harness that power for good. I act today because of Robin. In fact, so much of who I am comes from the influence of Robin, Steve Martin, Firesign Theater, Monty Python and more. But Robin was there first. And he was a blazing star to me.

MV5BMTkwMjQ3ODY2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzMwOTc0NA@@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_I don’t generally get upset at celebrity deaths. But a few have really hit me hard. Carl Sagan and Jimmy Stewart, to name two, did hit me hard. But this is the cruelest cut of all.  I will always love Robin for the laughs and also for his more heartfelt moments. The Fisher King has always been one of my favorite movies for his inspired performance. And I haven’t seen Good Morning, Vietnam recently enough and need to watch it again.

I wanted to write this last night when it was fresh in my mind but I was just unable to get the words out. Even now, it is hard and I find myself tearing up. I’ll leave this here and just say that the world is a far better place because Robin was in it and rather than be sad he is gone, I will focus on celebrating what he has left us to enjoy and that I am very much the person I am today because of him. Thank you, Robin and rest in peace.

Positive Comments Make My Day

Louis Trapani wrote a wonderful blog post about my book, Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac, 3rd Edition. The reception the book has received has been very gratifying and I am thankful to everyone who has bought it and gotten back to me.

I have taken a bit of a hiatus from podcasting as I have been busy starting a new job but am planning on resuming my podcast for Swamp Meadow Community Theatre and possibly starting one or two other projects I’ve been thinking about, as time permits.

In the meantime, please drop me a line if you’ve read the book and have questions, comments, or even just want to say hi!