We’ve Known Each Other Too Long

Chris Kagy and I have known each other far too long. He’s starting to really scare me.

Back in the late 80s, when I was in college, I went with my girlfriend to see Don McLean perform. It was a truly awful concert. Clearly he’d been singing American Pie so long that he could only sing the embellishments and not the actual melody. And he stopped half-way through to get chatty about random stuff. It was a bad concert. At any rate, my girlfriend had, shall we say, a distinctive laugh. At one point, Don said something funny and she laughed out loud. He stopped, looked out into the audience and asked “Did somebody bring a parrot with them?”

I haven’t thought about that in well over a decade.

Yesterday, Jack came home from preschool talking about how they studied Van Gogh’s Starry Night in school and how he painted his own copy which I need to go into school to see as it is hanging in the children’s gallery. All evening, Don McLean’s Starry Night was going around in my head and somewhere in there I remembered the parrot comment and laughed and thought, “I should blog about that.”

And then I promptly forgot about it again.

Just now, sitting in the office with all the windows wide open (on our first near-70 degree day) we heard somebody outside laugh. Chris looked out the window and asked, “Somebody got a parrot out there?”

He’s starting to really scare me.

Mur got interviewed for a podcasting article!

The News & Observer (North Carolina):

Mur Lafferty (and let’s get this out of the way right now — her actual name is Mary) scoffs at the idea that she’s a podcasting pioneer. Why, hundreds of people were doing podcasts before she launched hers. Maybe even a thousand. Pioneer? Pshaw.

Modesty is an endearing trait, and precision in language is appreciated. That said, Lafferty needs to get comfortable with this description. She’s a podcaster at a moment when most of the world has yet to even hear the term. The overwhelming majority of us are still at the point where Lafferty was on Oct. 28, when she uttered these words during a talk with a friend:

‘What’s a podcast? I have no idea what you’re talking about.'”

Actually, it was October 26 and the conversation went something like this:

Me: I guess…but lately I’m obsessed with podcasting… I get all kinds of weird stuff automagically put onto my ‘pod and I’m just starting to see some NPR stuff…

Mur: Cool! And now you speak of somethingI know nothing about.

(I log everything. It’s a sickness, I know.)

It’s a great article and props to Mur for getting the attention she’s getting! She’s got a great podcast well worth checking out.

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