In the time of COVID

It’s odd that in the time of COVID, a time when I hardly go anywhere and have tons of time on my hands where I used to have commitments, that I have fallen off the blogging wagon.

2021 was a rough year on many fronts. My job evaporated at the same time the house needed a new roof and, while I landed pretty quickly into my third tour of duty at Pfizer, working on COVID-related systems, and while we managed to keep Swamp Meadow Community Theater alive (thanks to fun and weird Zoom and Podcast projects), I never found the time to write. Maybe not going out also meant not having new experiences about which to write. But that’s not true, one doesn’t need to go into the world to find sources of inspiration. I think I just saw it as one-more-thing that I had to deal with.

Besides, last weekend we spent an amazing day with friends in Boston where I took this picture and I am only now writing about that.

Anyway, hello world. I’m still here. And I have read a lot of really interesting books lately, about which more, later. Or not. We’ll see how much time passes between this post and the next one…

Take Control of Podcasting Released!

After three editions of Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac it was time to make the iPad and iPhone equal partners and change the title to just Take Control of Podcating. The new book is a major revision of the previous and is now available to purchase!

I have created a companion website at to go along with the book and invite anyone interested to check it out and join in!

The book was the perfect COVID-19 project, filling in my evenings where there were no longer in-person rehearsals and no Geeks Who Drink trivia to host locally. I began working on the outline in around March and began writing the book in earnest in June. It’s the longest version yet and covers a great deal of topics. If you are looking to start a podcast, it’s a fantastic companion. If you are an experienced podcaster, you may still learn useful tips and tricks to up your game.